Hello Human,

I’m Allison…a curious soul on a human adventure. A long, strange journey has brought me to a place to hold space for other’s healing and self discovery. Through the depths of grief and the peaks of joy, our practice is to BE present to all of it. My offerings are curated to connect you to the power of your intention and your deepest truths. Through breath, gentle movement & daily ritual living, CREATE a life that ignites your soul.

I’m so glad you are here. Let’s explore together.

OM Meditation & Wellness

Safety Harbor, FL

Yin & Sound

Tuesdays at 1030am

75 minutes of restoration blending gentle physical shapes and healing sound frequencies.Enjoy your extra long savasana in OM’s signature meditation hammock.

Aerial Sound Meditation

Tuesdays 1230pm | Thursdays 1030am &1230pm

OM’s Signature offering: Each session utilizes a diverse array of science-based mindfulness strategies and curated meditation and sound healing practices designed to help guests find clarity, healing and relaxation at any level of experience. In a 50 minute session, you will connect more deeply to your mind and body through light Breathwork, progressive relaxation, guided meditation and sound bowl healing.  Prepare to make this a daily ritual of bliss and rejuvenation.

Classes at Savage Yoga Studios

  • Yin Yoga with Sandbags

    Tuesday & Thursday 4pm

    Yin Yoga is a slow paced practice, focusing on breath and body awareness. Sandbags and other props are used to create alignment and deeper connection mind, body and spirit. You can expect a gentle, meditative practice suitable for all humans.

  • Hot LSD

    Tues & Thurs 730pm

    Long, slow, deep stretching and breathwork in a 95 degree room supports deep muscle and fascia release. This class focuses on stillness and breath, bringing mind, body & spirit into alignment. Curated music and themes create an internally immersive, meditative experience.

Grab your headphones, get comfy, and breathe.

Late Night Let Go is a virtual community breathwork experience. We meet the first Monday of each month to let go of lingering ickiness from the last 30 days and create intentions to move forward with love.

Somatic Release breathwork is a tool to regulate your nervous system, come home to your TRUTH, and find more peace. This practice is 15-20 minutes of active breathing followed by a deep rest.

No experience necessary, all humans are welcome.

Registration is FREE!

schedule YOUR space & time.

Private Sessions scheduled below are held in your space or virtually. Please reach out for additional availability.
